Ayanna Mills-Ambrose | Published & Black Magazine | 25 Top Black Authors of 2021
Ayanna Mills-Ambrose | Bestselling Book Coach
Published & Black Magazine | 25 Top Black Authors of 2021
Tell us about you you and your brand as an author and who is your target audience?
I am Ayanna Mills Ambrose, a 18x bestselling Author, Bestselling Book Coach, and Literary Strategist Maximizing Success. My books are bestselling in the US, UK, France, India & Europe.
My books are targeting high performing women who have overcome trauma, and aspiring authors. My books are non fiction transformational books & how to books for aspiring and new authors.
Are you traditional published or self-published? Which do you prefer?
I am self-published. I am also a Self Publishing Consultant for aspiring authors.
What does authorprenurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena?
Authorpreneurship is the best thing. Its when you sell a transform in various forms that’s inclusive of books, courses, coaching, speaking and more. I decided to step into this arena because there was a need. Writing is my passion so I write books on writing. However, the authorpreneurship comes in because once they write, then they need help with selling , publishing and overcoming fear to share their messages.
What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why?
I created, Write Pray & Release book and program designed to equip the masses to self-reflect on past hurt, write it out, and release the pain. I am inspired by watching women embrace their past stories of triumph and tragedy as the core of their success. Writers who, like me, were once afraid to share their stories due to shame.
What would you say is your greatest win has been as an author CEO?
My greatest win would be my own personal freedom that I’ve experienced. In addition, I produced 46 (and counting) cohort Amazon International Best Selling Authors and helped over 150 authors to achieve their Best Selling dreams through marketing and/or publishing.
What’s the best advice you have received in the publishing arena that you wish to pass on to our readers and those who want to:
When you are writing a book, it may never fill complete, but you must surrender it.
What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your book?
Not being afraid to market to people that I already know. Most are afraid so they start marketing online and with paid ads. People buy from those they know, like and trust, so I always start there.
Do you have any new book or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, please tell us about it.
Yes! My latest anthology, Radical Woman: 1 in a Million & How To Build A 6-Figure Book Business.
Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind?
Happily married wife of less than a year to a rekindled love with my high school sweetheart. My favorite thing is spending time with my husband and our amazing 3 sons. My favorite vacation is anywhere with a beach. I am obsessed with moon & sky gazing.
What’s at the top of your list of Goals you plan to accomplish over the next year.
Next year’s goal is more self care, more family time, and selling more courses. I am beefing up my program to help authors reach 6-Figures.
What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you (feel free to include the links to your social networks and website.